File Name: | dimsntfy.dll |
File Information: | DIMS Notification Handler |
Vendor Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Md5: | a40bcaabbf6ff6d5e1cc8c7bc0ef40ab |
Operating System: | Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98, 95 |
File Type: | The filename dimsntfy.dll refers to many versions of a dynamic link library. |
Tips: | Scan Your System for Registry Errors |
dimsntfy.dll Information
dimsntfy.dll serves as a critical system component which belongs to Dynamic Link Library from Microsoft operating system. dimsntfy.dll file is used to keep the system running smoothly and properly. Any problems associated with dimsntfy.dll file are forbidden to fix manually for it may result in a list of further dangerous system problems, including unexpected occurrence of Blue Screen of Death errors, missing or damaged dimsntfy.dll file and constant system freezes.
What is dimsntfy.dll Error
dimsntfy.dll error is classified as a serious system error for it is closely associated with dimsntfy.dll file. There are various types of problems generate dimsntfy.dll error, such as dimsntfy.dll file corruption or lost, dimsntfy.dll error repair failure, missing or invalid dimsntfy.dll file, system security problems, undesirable drive file corruption, associated registry keys damage and out- of- date driver. How to fix dimsntfy.dll error?
Consequence of dimsntfy.dll Error
In case that dimsntfy.dll error keeps appearing on the computer screen, it may also bring about a list of obscure system problems to the computer:
- Needless system pops up
- Undesired Blue Screen of Death errors
- Constant computer crashes
- Browser freezes
- Unexpected spyware attacks
- Program uninstall failure
dimsntfy.dll error messages
- dimsntfy.dll Not Found
- This application failed to start because dimsntfy.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem
- Cannot find [PATH]\ dimsntfy.dll
- The file dimsntfy.dll is missing
- Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: dimsntfy.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again
dimsntfy.dll error Solution:
Method One: Re-Register dimsntfy.dll error
You can follow the steps to re-register dimsntfy.dll file to temporarily disable dimsntfy.dll error: Click Start > PressWINKEY + Ron the keyboard > type Cmd in the dialog box > press Enter > type regsvr32 -u dimsntfy.dll on the dialog box > Press” Enter”.
regsvr32 "C:\files\dimsntfy.dll"
Method Two: Clean up the Windows Registry
An invalid Windows registry is the main cause of dimsntfy.dll error. To safely and completely fix dimsntfy.dll error, you may consider enabling a trusted registry cleaner to help you fix the obscure registry errors and remove the unneeded registry files on the PC. Furthermore, a trusted registry cleaner combines with ultra powerful and professional utilities to help you improve the overall system performance through allowing you cleaning up junk files, tweaking memory usage and customizing system setting. One click to scan and fix dimsntfy.dll error here!
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